CP Newsprint and Auto Parts boxcars

I have been on a bit of a Canadian Pacific bent as of late.  I have been working on a number of Kaslo Shops kits for the CP Hawker Siddeley 50 foot boxcar fleet; specifically 2 door rod and 4 door rod newsprint cars both with and without roofwalks, 50 foot autopart boxcars with and without roofwalks, and a Hawker Siddeley 50 foot mechanical reefer.

These cars were enjoyable to build, although my first attempt at painting the multimark on the green newsprint car was unsuccessful due to poor interactions between  the Tamiya white paint and TruColor CP green.  Note to self: don't mix these paints on a model, it won't end well.

For most of the cars I used either Tamiya TS-33 dull red spray cans (these are becoming a rare commodity in Canada these days) for the CP boxcar red, based on a recommendation from Coquihalla Man.  For the action red and action green I used TruColor CP action red and action green with good results.  The silver mechanical refrigerator was painted with Vallejo silver.  

I did have a snafu with the green newsprint car.  I tried to paint the multimark on the car using Tamiya white paint.  However when I sprayed the TruColor green it had a weird interaction with the Tamiya and "shrunk" leaving a very unattractive looking car.  I stripped the paint and started over, this time using the multimark decals from Black Cat Decals.  

All cars were decaled with Black Cat decals, although a few cars were "decal bashed" to get appropriate car data.  A few Microscale ACI labels and COTS plates were used as well.  

The cars were finished with Tamiya TS-80 matt finish, and the wheels got my standard wheel weathering.  The cars haven't been weathered yet, that is the next phase for them.  

I still have a few cars sitting on my workbench, finally including a CN car I need a number of for the layout.  More on them in a future post.  

CP Auto Parts 50' boxcars

CP 50' Newsprint boxcars

CP mechanical reefer - I really think silver on a freight car is one of the best paint schemes; at least when it is clean


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