Another CN Line Car Control book for The Pas Servocentre

CN used "Line Car Control" books to help crews with serving the many customers throughout their system.  These are great tools for those of us looking to replicate the prototypical operations on our layouts.  Previously I had received a Line Car Control book from 1986 which was a great help in sorting out customers, tracks use, etc.  

Recently the CNRHA received a sizable donation of documents from the estate of a former CN employee.  I have been sorting through these documents and have begun to scan them for future use on the CNRHA website.  

One very interesting part of the documents is an undated Line Car Control book for The Pas Servocentre.  it appears to be a late 1960's/early 1970's era book based on a few things, most notably that the kraft mill and log yard are either proposed or under construction.  Based on some research of the checkered history (Churchill Forest Industries Scandal and The Pas mill history are interesting reads) of the mill this seems to indicated the book is from the early 1970's.  

The customer list is significantly larger in this book than the 1986 book, showing just how much things changed during the 1970's and early 1980's in northern Manitoba.  It almost makes me want to backdate the layout again... or maybe not since it would require a fair bit of change to my freight car and locomotive roster.  Perhaps I can use some modeller's license to keep a few industries active later than they did in reality.  


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