
Showing posts from June, 2023

Algoma Central woodchip hopper

The final (for now) woodchip hopper of the trio I built and painted for Kaslo Shops Distributing is this Algoma Central 1400 series woodchip hopper.  Algoma Central had a fleet of 90 woodchip gondolas for international service in the ACIS 1401-1490 series.  The cars were shipping wood chips to a mill in the US, hence the ACIS series.   These cars didn't seem to get photographed often as there are only limited photos on line and none in my slide collection.  Based on the available photos I assembled the car, which was fairly straight forward.  The bigger challenge was figuring out what the paint colour was.   After some lengthy discussions with Chris Vanderheide he suggested a paint mix of Vallejo paints to roughly replicate the blue green colour seen in the limited number of photos available.  I used the equivalent colours in the Vallejo Air paint line as I had those on hand.  The mix is 2 parts 71.095, 1 part 71.317 and 1 part 71.050....