HO Scale Models and Kits for sale

I'll be listing items like kits, completed models and other things I would like to go to a new home.  All items are in Canadian funds, buyer to pay shipping to their address.  If you are in Canada Etransfer is preferred.  US and International will receive a PayPal invoice for your item(s).  

If the model is still listed then it is available.

Inquiries - mlwm420 <at> gee mail dot com

January 2, 2025 items for sale

Rapido Trains Inc.

VIA Rail Canada Lightweight Diner Road #1347 Item #124011 NIB - $130


F series B Unit shell kit - does not include screens $30

Sylvan Scale Models Kits - do not include trucks and couplers

These are re-issued kits that I had custom run by Sylvan in 2020-2023

HO-1076 - CPR 1953 Double Door Automobile Boxcar kit $40

HO-1103 - 52'8" BC Rail Newsprint Boxcar circa 1979 $40

HO-1109 - CP 52'8" NSC Exterior Post Double Door Boxcar (road # 204000-204139)

Kaslo Shops Distributing - do not include trucks and couplers

HK-10 - 40' 1929 Single Sheath Boxcar - $25

Miscellaneous Kits and Models

Schist Lake Models - Canadian National Railways Standard freight shed - 24ft wide wood type - $55 see my blog posts on building this kit.


What people are looking at on this blog

CN Boxcars a Plenty

Tank car weathering

Snowplows a plenty