Models of the HBR

I've been working on getting a representative sample of the locomotives, freight and passenger cars used on the Hudson Bay Railway during my modelling period(s).  This page will compile a few of these projects.
Sylvan Scale Models 57' autotransporter that are still in use today between Thompson and Churchill on the HBR

I've been on a boxcar building blitz on and off for the past few years to get my supply of CN 40' boxcars built up.  These are 6', 8' and double door cars.  I still need to do some 9 foot door cars but am well along in this project.

CN 9168 and 9172 will be part of the locomotive fleet pulling the Hudson Bay.  CN used these on their pre-VIA Hudson Bay and later leased F7Au to VIA until 1985.  I recently wrote an article on the CN rebuilt F unit fleet for CN Lines Magazine -

I kitbashed several CN double door boxcars from Branchline kits with Intermountain ends and ladders

Sylvan Scale Models 40' double door boxcar with end door.

Sylvan Scale Models CN tank hopper with custom etched end cages and roofwalk

Sylvan Scale Models CP tank hopper with custom etched end cages

A pair of Kaslo Shops 36' Fowler boxcar kits painted and weathered for work service 

Sylvan Scale Models CN 1929 40' single sheath boxcars.  These were used in grain service until 1983, with many surviving into the 1990's in work service

True Line Trains Slabside hoppers weathered to represent well used cars

BGR Models CN combine in VIA paint.  Several of these cars were used in mixed train service in northern Manitoba until 1996.  This car is the subject of a modelling article in the December 2020 Railroad Model Hobbyist online magazine.

In future blog posts I'll go into detail on some of these projects.


  1. Nice work.

    Are the 57' auto transporter cars the same ones that had the funky black and white colour scheme with the "x-ray vision" shot of the cars inside? Bachmann offered it as a model many years ago. I'm sure no one makes decals for that.

    Keep it up.


    1. Thanks Chris. Yes, these are the same cars, some of which got the Car Go Rail paint scheme you refer to. The Bachmann model was of the longer 75' car (I think) that was built around the same time these 57' versions were made. Sylvan Scale Models offered decals for the Car Go Rail scheme but those cars are long out of production and the masters are no longer any good so you would have to look on the second hand market. I have a couple more Sylvan kits to build, but both have the CN noodle decals.


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