Snowplows a plenty

One of the thngs on my "to do" list has been to build some CN prototype snow plows. CN had a wide range of snowplows, many unique to the railway and others from common designs used elsewhere. Walthers brought out a Russell snow plow years ago that was good for some of the plows CN operated. However the majority of plows were built by ECC, CC&F and in house by CN and were quite unique. CN 55392 as it currently sits. It was a late 1990's kitbash that has sat for years because I just wasn't quite happy with it. I may just bite the bullet and finish it now. I started kitbashing an ECC/CC&F plow years ago from a Walthers Jordan plow kit and got it to the point of being ready to paint. But there were enough differences between it and the prototype to cause me to wonder if there was a better way. With the recent influx of 3D printed models of unique prototypes the doors have been thrown wide open to model equipment...