
A mixed bag of 40 foot boxcars, tank cars and hoppers

My most recent builds are a mix of 40 foot boxcars that I have been working on are a mix of cars for Kaslo Shops, myself and a few for friends.   A pair of Ontario Northland 40' 10'IH boxcars with 8' doors was the first thing off my workbench.  These are a recent offering from Kaslo Shops, and I built these cars for the box cover art.  These were not frequent visitors to northern Manitoba, but I have a slide scan of an ONT boxcar tucked in behind the road power heading north out of Wabowden MB. At least one car went as far as Gillam or Churchill so I have a prototype example! These were a straight forward kit build, one car (ONT 91037) with roofwalk and one car (ONT 91006) without.  ONT 91037 got a Jade Green paint scheme using the MRH Acrylic Paint Guide formula for NYC Jade Green that I tweaked a bit to get something close to the jade green in photos.   ONT 91006 was painted with Rapido Protocolour ONT green; I don't recommend this paint as it is dif...

More (Mechanical) Reefer Madness

CN 235116 in Winnipeg MB  in the early 1990's - it has seen better days Hot on the heels of the Hawker Siddeley 231xxx and 233xxx series mechanical refrigerators, Kaslo Shops brought out the 235000-235299 series reefers.  These were a more common car on CN, with 300 cars delivered in 1966.  Some of these cars were in use until the mid 2000's with most being retired in the 1990's.  Their silver body with blue doors were distinctive, and when they were clean they were nice looking cars.  Unfortunately they didn't seem to stay clean very long. These cars were common on the Hudson Bay Railway, with service to most communities in the north that CN served.  There was at least one car in semi-captive service hauling groceries from the freight house in The Pas to Lynn Lake.  These were also frequent visitors to Churchill, Thompson and Gillam, at least until improved roads to Thompson and Gillam arrived in the mid 1980's.  These cars have long been on my w...

You have to start somewhere

The photo above has something a bit out the ordinary in it: an F-35 fighter jet. Kid #2 asked for a model F-35 on his Christmas list, so "Santa" popped over to Burnaby Hobbies and did some shopping.   Normally Santa buys paint, thinner and other general modelling supplies when he visits this store as it isn't a railway focused hobby shop.  This go around he looked through the very large selection of model kits and came away with an Airfix 1:72 kit with both a Spitfire (which also happens to be the first model I ever built while in hospital getting my adenoids out when I was 6) and an F-35 Lightning II.  Kid #2 was quite happy on Christmas morning when he opened the gift.   These are a nice basic beginner kit that has sufficient detail to be interesting while not being an overly complicated model to assemble.  Kid #2 did a good job of assembly with some help from dad over a couple of days, with only a few fingerprints melted into the plastic from a bit ...

Another CN Line Car Control book for The Pas Servocentre

CN used "Line Car Control" books to help crews with serving the many customers throughout their system.  These are great tools for those of us looking to replicate the prototypical operations on our layouts.  Previously I had received a Line Car Control book from 1986 which was a great help in sorting out customers, tracks use, etc.   Recently the CNRHA received a sizable donation of documents from the estate of a former CN employee.  I have been sorting through these documents and have begun to scan them for future use on the CNRHA website.   One very interesting part of the documents is an undated Line Car Control book for The Pas Servocentre.  it appears to be a late 1960's/early 1970's era book based on a few things, most notably that the kraft mill and log yard are either proposed or under construction.  Based on some research of the checkered history ( Churchill Forest Industries Scandal  and The Pas mill history  are interes...

CN Hawker Siddeley Mechanical Refrigerators

CN operated a sizable fleet of mechanical refrigerator cars from the mid 1960's through to the mid 1990's with some cars operating into the mid 2000's. Most of these cars have since been replaced by mechanical reefer containers.  Hawker Siddeley constructed 75 mechanical refrigerator cars in 1966, initially in the 231100-231174 series.  Later in 1967/68 50 cars were renumbered into the 233000-233049 series.  I am unsure of why this was done, but CN had a major freight car renumbering program in the late 1960s that can make your head spin trying to figure out.   The cars were delivered in the noodle paint scheme with a silver body and blue door to denote the cars use in meat service.  Later on some cars had silver painted doors, likely allowing their use in general refrigerator service.   Kaslo Shops has brought out this car type both with and without roof walks.  I built these two cars for their box art, 231152 for the roof walk version with ...

CN OCS single sheath boxcar

A well weathered CN 1929 boxcar in Winnipeg, on its way to the Winnipeg Railway Museum circa 1995; if only I had the foresight to measure the brake gear when I had the chance... I have wrapped up a long dormant boxcar project.  While digging through my stash of freight cars I found a Kaslo Shops Distributing Canadian National 40 foot 1929 single sheath boxcar in a box, assembled (not sure if it was me or something I bought at a train show)  but unpainted.  I decided to remedy that situation.   Side view of the brake rigging - I need to find a museum with one of these cars to measure and photograph! Before I got too far I had to address an issue with the brake rigging. On the prototype there was a clevis, crank, chain and anchor set up that I have never seen done in model form. I finally came across a few prototype slides in my collection with clear enough views of this arrangement to make an attempt at representing it. An Intermountain part along with some scrat...

CP Newsprint and Auto Parts boxcars

I have been on a bit of a Canadian Pacific bent as of late.  I have been working on a number of Kaslo Shops kits for the CP Hawker Siddeley 50 foot boxcar fleet; specifically 2 door rod and 4 door rod newsprint cars both with and without roofwalks, 50 foot autopart boxcars with and without roofwalks, and a Hawker Siddeley 50 foot mechanical reefer. These cars were enjoyable to build, although my first attempt at painting the multimark on the green newsprint car was unsuccessful due to poor interactions between  the Tamiya white paint and TruColor CP green.  Note to self: don't mix these paints on a model, it won't end well. For most of the cars I used either Tamiya TS-33 dull red spray cans (these are becoming a rare commodity in Canada these days) for the CP boxcar red, based on a recommendation from Coquihalla Man .  For the action red and action green I used TruColor CP action red and action green with good results.  The silver mechanical refrigerator was pai...

Train Show Finds

This past weekend the annual Vancouver Train Exposition (VTEX) was held at the PNE Forum in Vancouver.  I attended and had an enjoyable time catching up with people, browsing the sales tables and visiting the various layouts and displays around the show.   Talking with my friend Al (who happens to also be the chair of the Canadian National Railways Historical Association  ) he mentioned he had some CN ore cars from the late Ron Keith collection - my friend Rene has a nice post about Ron < here >. I only met Ron a few times but his scratchbuilding work was outstanding. Al pulled a couple of the ore cars from a case and showed me.  They were scratchbuilt models of CN drop bottom gondolas used in ore service.  As usual for Ron's models they were very nicely rendered representatives of the cars, complete with interior details and full underframe brake gear.  Al said he didn't have a use for them and asked if I might have a spot for the...

More CP Boundary Sub fleet weathering

Another batch of cars from the CP Boundary Sub made it's way onto my workbench this week.  I used a mix of oil paint, lacquer and acrylic washes as well as some selective Pan Pastel weathering on these cars.  Always fun to play around with techniques, although when it is someone else's equipment it is better to stick with what you know than try something completely new.   Most of the cars are lightly to moderately weathered with the exception of the coal hoppers and OCS  tank car.  Those cars got a bit heavier weathering to reflect their hard service.  The weathering doesn't really come out as well as it should in photos but I'm happy with how they turned out.  I may have to detoxify after all the CP equipment passing across my workbench with a good dose of CN stuff.