CN Woodchip cars
Kaslo Shops has announced 3D printed kits for woodchip cars built by NSC and CN Transcona . These have not been offered previously and are welcomed by CN modellers. I was offered the opportunity by Kaslo Shops to build and paint a pair of these kits for the box art of the kits. While these cars never(?) operated on the Hudson Bay Railway I jumped at the chance to build these new offerings. I'll come up with some reason to have woodchip cars, maybe servicing my future paper plant. The kits themselves are completely 3D printed and come with everything except the trucks and couplers. And they come with custom decals for these cars. Overall it is a well designed kit that goes together quickly. I did note some print grain on the car sides. While not objectionable I elected to sand the sides to lessen the grain. 600 grit sandpaper trimmed to fit the various widths of the panels made quick work of this task. T...