You have to start somewhere

The photo above has something a bit out the ordinary in it: an F-35 fighter jet. Kid #2 asked for a model F-35 on his Christmas list, so "Santa" popped over to Burnaby Hobbies and did some shopping. Normally Santa buys paint, thinner and other general modelling supplies when he visits this store as it isn't a railway focused hobby shop. This go around he looked through the very large selection of model kits and came away with an Airfix 1:72 kit with both a Spitfire (which also happens to be the first model I ever built while in hospital getting my adenoids out when I was 6) and an F-35 Lightning II. Kid #2 was quite happy on Christmas morning when he opened the gift. These are a nice basic beginner kit that has sufficient detail to be interesting while not being an overly complicated model to assemble. Kid #2 did a good job of assembly with some help from dad over a couple of days, with only a few fingerprints melted into the plastic from a bit ...