Now What?

A few years ago I learned that CN used "Line Car Control" to explain the layout of sidings, industries etc. throughout their system. It was divided into regions and sub regions. I have been looking for this documentation for the areas north of The Pas Manitoba as that is my modelling focus. I had been unsuccessful in this search. Until now. Thanks to a very generous acquaintance I now have the Line Car Control binder for The Pas Manitoba Effective May 1986 and a second one effective December 1986. As well I received a copy of the October 1973 CN employee timetable as well as some other Hudson Bay Railway related stuff. A nice surprise was a telegraph pole insulator with HBR initials on it, a remnant of the original line construction from the 1913-1929 timeframe. I will have to sort out how to properly display it. While 1986 is a few years after my modelling timeframe nothing really changed during the early 1...